Foundation USA
In 2007, The Winnipeg Foundation created a non-profit organization in the United States for charitable purposes called Winnipeg Foundation USA. Gifts made to this organization will be transferred to The Winnipeg Foundation.
The corporation is registered in the State of Minnesota, and is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Corporation is deemed a "Supporting Organization"
for the sole purpose of supporting the charitable purpose of The Winnipeg Foundation under section 509 (a) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code A Supporting. Organization operates as a "public charity"
under the IRS code and as a result, contributions to the Corporation are tax deductible. As Winnipeg Foundation USA is a Supporting Organization to The Winnipeg Foundation, it is not permitted to grant to US organizations.
If you are interested in making a gift from a US address to Morning Breeze Endowment Fund, please make your cheque payable as follows:
Morning Breeze Endowment Fund
c/o The Winnipeg Foundation
1350 One Lombard Place
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
R3B 0X3
Note: Currently we are unable to accept credit card payments from a US address. We will make every effort to inform our donors and benefactors in the US, once we are able to process US credit cards and other modes of online transfers to Morning Breeze Endowmend Fund. Thank you for your generosity.